Tuesday, 7 July 2009


The smackdown from fluffing my first lead on Firestone left me with a good limp and a fair amount of bruising on my feet. Even after a week of rest, ibuprofen, ice, arnica and deep heat they're quite sore (but definately improving, although a couple of bouldering sessions didn't help). Somewhat hopefully I made it to the Lakes and started the Saunders Lakeland Mountain Marathon on Saturday, but we decided to retire halfway through day 1. No event is worth causing further damage and an even longer lay-off. Sorry Chris!

Dave sent me a load of pics from last weekend's soiree at the Lower Slab. I hate to harp on about the route, but with a buggered foot I've not been up to much lately...

Here's a selection chronicling my ups and downs:

Attempt number 1: just before gravity got involved. (All photos: Dave Macleod)

The spoils of war - you lucky bastard!

Contemplating the inevitable

Attempt number 2: Back in the saddle

The security of the crescent flake

Thank fook for that

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